Patient getting her arm bandaged


Diagnostic experts supporting your journey to improved health

Expert and Compassionate Lab Testing

Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital–Plymouth Laboratory offers a full range of lab services in a comfortable setting close to home. Our team includes pathology physicians, administrative staff, technologists, lab assistants and clerical staff.

Our labs perform almost one million tests each year at seven collection stations. We provide services for:

  • Patients currently in the hospital
  • People receiving care or treatment at one of our outpatient facilities
  • Local nursing homes and skilled care facilities
  • Physician offices, including Primary Care
  • Rehabilitation facilities
  • Emergency Care
  • Cancer Care Center
  • Government agencies
Our Laboratory Services

We offer a wide range of laboratory services, including:

  • Blood banking: blood products, blood typing and products for transfusion.
  • Chemistry: determining the presence and/or amount of certain substances in the body.
  • Coagulation: testing how your body clumps blood cells together to form a clot.
  • Cytology: checking the formation, structure and function of your cells.
  • Hematology: testing your blood and blood-forming tissues, and diagnosing blood conditions.
  • Histology: studying the microscopic structure of your body's tissues.
  • Pathology: studying the structure of normal, abnormal, diseased or injured tissue.
  • Phlebotomy: taking a blood sample from your body using a needle.
  • Microbiology: the scientific study of microorganisms.
  • Serology: the scientific study of fluid components of blood, especially antigens (diseases, toxins or other substances that enter your body) and antibodies (the blood proteins that fight antigens).
  • Urinalysis: studying a urine sample in the lab.
Blood Draw Orders

All orders should be faxed to ensure availability at all blood drawing stations. Our fax number is 508-830-2570.

Laboratory Locations

Location Photo Unavailable
Cape Drawing Station Address Icon 83 Route 130
Forestdale, MA 02644
Phone Icon 508-210-5961
Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
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Duxbury Drawing Station Address Icon 95 Tremont Street
Duxbury, MA 02332
Phone Icon 781-934-8237
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Location Photo Unavailable
Industrial Park Drawing Station Address Icon 45 Resnik Road
Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360
Phone Icon 508-830-2597
Monday - Friday: 5:30 am - 3:00 pm
Location Photo Unavailable
Pembroke Drawing Station Address Icon 295 Old Oak Street
Pembroke, MA 02359
Phone Icon 781-294-3611
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:15 pm