Breast Biopsies

Answers to your breast health questions

Types of Breast Biopsy

If your mammogram, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound or breast cancer screening finds an abnormality, your doctor may order a biopsy.

A biopsy is a procedure that collects a small sample from unusual tissue, like a lesion or tumor. The tissue is then examined under a microscope. Results usually take two to three days to receive. You can return to your normal activities after a biopsy.

We Provide Access to Several Biopsy Options:

Core Needle Biopsy

This is a minimally invasive procedure. You receive local anesthesia to reduce pain. The process is quick.

Biopsies can be obtained with mammography, ultrasound or MRI depending on how the area is best visualized. A small tissue sample is obtained with a needle and sent for examination. Most results are back within 3-5 business days.

Scout Localization

This pre-surgical procedure marks the site in the breast that will be removed in the operating room as it cannot be felt by the surgeon.

  • At the Breast Center you will receive a local anesthetic to numb the breast.
  • The radiologist will use mammogram or ultrasound to correctly identify the location.
  • The radiologist will then place a small needle in the breast and implant the scout “reflector.” This will take less than 30 minutes to perform, and the implanted reflector is not visible.
  • The wire-free, radar localization reflector can be placed any time before your surgery and will not restrict your daily activities. It is often done prior to surgery, as it minimizes wait times on the day of surgery.
  • The surgeon will then use a radar signaling “wand” to locate the scout reflector in the operating room.
Stereotactic Breast Biopsy

We use this biopsy method to check small areas of tiny calcium deposits and other breast tissue that can’t be seen clearly with breast ultrasound.

To ensure accuracy, your doctor uses digital mammography images taken before and during the procedure. A computer analyzes pictures from different angles to pinpoint where the biopsy needle tip should enter the breast.

You receive a local anesthetic to numb your breast. Once the needle is placed, more images are taken to make sure it’s in the right spot. The needle removes multiple tissue samples from the exact locations of abnormal cells.

Tissue Markers (Clips)

Your doctor may place a metallic clip at your biopsy site during your biopsy procedure. We also use clips to mark tissue areas to watch.

Clips make it easier for your doctor to find the abnormal cell site again. This is useful if you need surgery. Tissue markers also help your doctor monitor any changes in areas of concern.

Clips do not harm your body. You can't feel or see the marker. Clips are safe during MRIs and other imaging tests. They will not alert a metal detector.

If you need surgery, your doctor removes the clip at that time.